When we speak about liberation theology, we immediately think about Latin America. Yet it is enough to evoke some one like Mahatma Gandhi to realize that reflection on liberation from socio-political oppression inspired by religious perspectives, in the 20th century, is special neither to Latin America nor to Christianity. It is true however that liberation...Read More
Asia is the cradle of all the living, developed, religions of the world. In Asia, India has been particularly blessed with Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. It is traditional to contrast the West Asian religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as prophetic and monotheist to the East and the South Asian religions, considered mystic, adding Taoism...Read More
01. Introductory Stand Human experience is the fundamental root of divine revelation. In many ways, dance and religious experiences have been intertwining expression through the centuries of human history. It is evident in the contexts of religious festivity, procession, liturgy, musical recital, chanting of Psalms and mantras. Dance reveals the intense human emotions like joys,...Read More
According to an ancient tradition, St. Thomas the Apostle came to South India, established Christian communities especially in the South West of India and was martyred in Chennai. Though historical proofs may be lacking, the tradition is strong. There is evidence of Christian communities in India from about the 4th century of the Common Era....Read More
Jesus said to him (Thomas): “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”… Whoever has seen me has seen the Father…Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if you do not, then believe me because of...Read More
The phrase integral spirituality seems problematic. The term ‘integral’ evokes a holistic perspective. But the term ‘spiritual’ already restricts this holism by excluding matter and the body. It may also imply a system of thought or a dimension of reality. The Eastern religious traditions would refer to this area of experience or reflection as a...Read More
Most of us go through life without worrying about ‘who we are’ or our identity. We are born and grow up in a family. We go to school and find a job later. We get married and live happily. Life goes on. We know, of course, who we are. But it is not always a...Read More
Ramana Maharishi, a Hindu mystic-guru of the 20th century, used to lead his disciples to self-realization by asking them to concentrate on a simple question: Who am I? Meditation would lead them from a focus on their physical self (body) to various layers of self-awareness like the breath (energy), the emotions, reason, intuition and the...Read More
The question that Asians are often asked to answer is ‘How is Jesus the Universal Saviour, even of people who do not accept him in faith?’ The underlying concern is the need to proclaim the good news of Jesus to everyone so that all may be saved. The sub-theme, of course, is that they will...Read More
Michael Amaladoss, S.J The Second Vatican Council 50 Years After Occasionally we hear calls for a Third Vatican Council. The calls may be too early. We have not fully absorbed and implemented the Second Vatican Council yet. Fifty years after the beginnings of the Council is a time to assess the progress we have made...Read More
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